A typical Beeyard


Welcome to the Gaston County Beekeepers Association Web Site

Contacts for the Gaston Beekeepers Association

President - Allen Thompson

Phone: (704) 616-5850
E-mail: Allen Thompson

Vice President - Burton Beasley

Phone: (704) 860-1147
E-mail: Burton Beasley

Secretary - Debi Wheeler

Phone: (704) 867-0927
E-mail: Debi Wheeler

Treasurer - Jill Tipton

E-mail: Jill Tipton

Registrar - Jada Runkle

E-mail: Jada Runkle

Program Coordinator - Vacant


Newsletter Editor - Debi Wheeler

Phone: (704) 867-0927
E-mail: Debi Wheeler

Webmaster - Jim Burke

Phone: (704) 922-2119
E-mail: Jim Burke



Property of the Gaston Beekeepers Association